Are you loosing your email subscribers right after they are signing up? If yes then you might be making a similar mistake that I encountered recently. Here is what happened to me:
I submitted my info on to download a free chapter of the book. After I filled the form, I got a message that I will get an email with a link to the download. I eagerly waited for the email to arrive. As soon as I got the email, I opened it and quickly clicked on a very prominent and long link. I was expecting to see a page where I will either be able to download the chapter or my download will automatically start. Instead I got the following message:
What???? What just happened?
Turns out that the long prominent link in this email was not the link to download the sample chapter, instead it was an Unsubscribe link. So I accidentally unsubscribed from the mailing list I subscribed only few minutes ago. I am sure, I am not the only one who has done that. I wonder how many subscribers is this site is losing due the design of this email?
Here are two mistakes in this email
- The unsubscribe link is bigger and more prominent than the actual download link (main Call to Action). My eyes directly went to the long link and without even thinking twice, I clicked on it.
- Transactional Emails do not require you to have an unsubscribe link (See Since this is a transactional email so you don’t need give an option to unsubscribe. You can argue that it is a best practice to provide an Unsubscribe link. Sure if you want to provide an option then make it a small in font and length.
Simple solution is to remove the attention from Unsubscribe link and make the main Call to Action (Link to Download) stand out, see below for a revised version:
What do you think? Questions? Comments?
BTW: If you are interested in data visualization then go ahead and check the sample chapter or buy the Cool Infographics: Effective Communication with Data Visualization and Design at Amazon.